The Endless Light by PedroQuintela1 .. “Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.” - Anais Nin This image was shot only 30 minutes from my home with my amazing life companion. It´s amazing how we don´t need to travel far to get unique shots. 2016 was a year of extremes for me. The worst and the best happened in my life, almost at once and its something that makes you rethink what will be next. I hope to get some peace and luck now to carry many projects that come to me. Last year dictated the good-bye to the most treasured person in my life. Miss you grandpa, every single day and will forever. Personal and profesional projects are now in a row, I feel optimistic about it. Here on 500px things changed a lot for me. I lost an immense social exposure because the rules changed, among other situations. Seems that I´m not “one of the most motivational people on 500px.” as was written many times here referring to me. Nevertheless I´m here alive, creating images and hoping to get there again because we all need attention and it´s sad when we suddenly lose it withouth any reason. Finally, I hope that 2017 can be kind to you all, sincerely. I´m optimistic about it, will continue my path here on this amazing community that bring me stunning things in to my life. Sold many images, made contacts around the world, business propositions, become ambassador of brands, among other things. So it´s a reason to continue struggling. Thank you from the heart to all of you that make feel special. Happy shooting to all reflectioners!
beauty, sunset, beautiful, model, portugal, photographer snapped at January 30, 2017 at 11:32PM
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